Jul 21, 2014

Off to the Races...then the Beach...then the Mountains

For a little weekend recap, thought I'd share photos from my Iron Girl race in Webster MA.  I've done marathons, half marathons, and an adventure race, but this was my very first go at a triathlon and I really LOVED it!!  It was a sprint triathlon - the shortest competitive triathlon race you can do - so a 1/3 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 5K run.  It was the perfect distance if you ask me.

Ready for the pics that make me look way more "bad fast" than I am (like "bad a$$" but far more kosher for kid ears)?

There you have it...me sprinting it out at the end.  I didn't run that fast through the whole race, I promise.  I finished in 1 hour, 22 minutes and placed 31 out of 568.  Not too shabby for my first one!

There's my favorite little family cheer squad.  Our dear friends also joined us to hoot and holler for me - thanks A, R, V & L.  You're the best!!

Now, on to a last minute trip to Florida this week to help my parents house hunt for a vacation property.  Wahoo! (sorry you'll have to survive without any IW posts while I'm gone...at least try)

Hopefully the brief trip to sun country helps sustain my tan a little longer.  

Then next weekend, I'm off to cheer my aunt on at a REAL triathlon - the Iron Man - in New York.  She'll be doing 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run.  She's the definition of "bad fast" if you ask me.  Did I mention that this will be her fifth one?!?  She's my inspiration for sure.

Anyone who can workout for 12-13 hours straight is beyond an athlete...they're super-letes.  Go Mary go!!

Hope you have a blessed week.  I'll be back for more posts in just a week's time!

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap. You're crazy. And your aunt is crazier! Hahahahaha. Seriously, though, that's insane. I'd.probably poop out after 15 minutes.


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