Apr 9, 2014

Have Sticker Will Travel

The other day while browsing the aisles of our local craft store, I came upon a HUGE travel-themed scrapbook sticker that was on mega sale and couldn't resist.  The sticker - a clear puffy heart with colorful cut-outs representing European countries - was simply perfect to represent our travels this year. 

Typically, I don't recommend working backwards with design (i.e. finding a small detail/accessory and determining how to incorporate an entire design around it) but in this case I simply had to figure out a way to display this sticker. Here's what I ended up with:

I grabbed a square frame (also on clearance at the same store), a piece of white card stock, scissors, and a thin Sharpie...

Traced a small pencil line around where the paper would fit into the frame, so I'd have a guide for my lettering...and then wrote all the countries we'd be visiting this year.

I erased the pencil line, placed it in the frame, and voila!  A cute little way to remember all the international places we were traveling to in 2014.

I put the frame in our little girl's room since the colors were perfect for in there.  It's a fun reminder of the trips we have to look forward to this year and after we've gone on the trips, it will serve as a memento to remind us of our travels.

Here's what caught my eye in the sticker for each of the countries we'll visit:
France - Eiffel Tower
Germany - Stein
Belgium - We'll pretend the pretzel is a waffle :)
Netherlands - Tulip, Windmill
Ireland - Four Leaf Clover
Spain - Red Bull, Soccer Ball

England (Telephone Booth, Big Ben, Red Bus) and Italy (Vespa, Leaning Tower of Pisa) are also represented in the sticker but since we've traveled there in the past, I figured it was legit for them to be displayed too.

Ever find something that spoke to you in a craft store?  What did you create with it?

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