Apr 22, 2014

And We're Off!!

It's hard to believe that by the time many of you read this post, we'll be in Paris!  For the next two weeks, we'll be in Europe to explore a few countries and visit some dear friends who live in Germany and will be serving as our resident tour guides.  It's like a dream come true!

I look forward to sharing our travel photos and details with you upon our return, but in the mean time check out some of the places we're planning to visit while we're there.

Paris, France...

Brussels, Belgium...

Bruges, Belgium...

Dusseldorf, Germany...

Aachen, Germany...

Amsterdam, Netherlands...

Dublin, Ireland...

Wicklow Mountains National Park, Ireland...

We're a little excited to say the least!  This should be the trip of a lifetime and we're so very blessed to get to do this as a family.  

There will be a few posts while I'm gone, but I'll be back to share more with you soon.  Until then...

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