Apr 24, 2014

Adding a little "LOVE"

See something new in our master bedroom??

I'll give you a clue if you didn't pick up on the "LOVE" in the post title...it sort of mimics the motif of our heart art on the other side of the room.  (In both color and theme)

There it is.  Under the lovely wedding photo of the dashing young couple...which was taken almost 8 years ago!!

I downloaded the "LOVE" print (for free!) from one of my favorite blogs - Sarah M. Dorsey Designs.  Sarah is super talented and sorta famous, at least as far as I'm concerned, because she won Creating With the Stars last year.  For those of you who don't know what that is...it's an annual DIY contest sponsored by another great blog - East Coast Creative.  Essentially it's a gauntlet of projects that select few bloggers go through each year to determine who is the most creative of them all!  They win prizes and such, but even more important, they earn major recognition in the DIY blog world.

If you'd like to download this free printable from Sarah's blog, you can find it {here}.  Thank you Sarah for your generosity in sharing free printable with us and for adding some more beautiful coral hues to our master bedroom!

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