Mar 10, 2014

Finishing Touches : A Greek Key Duvet Cover

Time to celebrate, friends...we finally found the perfect duvet cover for the guest room.  (I know you were losing sleep at night over it.)


(aghad!  the telltale grid of an exposed duvet...)


(admittedly, it does look tons better)

Let's just say that it's nice not to hide my head in shame whenever I read a designer's ramblings about the atrocity of leaving a duvet out in the open...uncovered and exposed...oh my.  (i.e. HGTV Star 2013 white box challenge - I still feel bad for Anne Rue getting harangued about the bed's exposed duvet in her colorful room shown here.  I still love you Anne, even if you couldn't find the perfect duvet cover!)

I'm pretty sure that duvet cover makes me officially eligible for the next season of HGTV Star...just saying.

1 comment:

  1. Love your room:) I am looking for the same duvet cover and have only seen the WS one which is way too expensive. There is one on ebay and overstock but I worry that it is not soft enough...please let me know:)


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