Mar 18, 2014

A Little Yellow Warmth to Beckon Spring

Anyone else completely tired of winter weather like I am?  Our Boston winter has been brutal this year - long and ever so cold.  The snow doesn't bother me, but the temps far below freezing everyday does start get to you after a while.  I'm craving some warmth, a day at the park in the sunshine, and some grass between my toes (preferably before summer hits us full force).  You in?

Perhaps these cheery images with bright splashes of yellow will help persuade spring to arrive sooner rather than later...

Just like that picture, our snow has lingered and lingered, on roofs and on the ground.  Somehow that yellow door makes it way more tolerable though. :)

As most of you know by now, yellow simply makes me smile.  How could that amazing faceted lamp and donkey art not add a little pep to your step?  (I call him "Churro" the Burro by the way...)

I bought these happy tulips for myself at Trader Joe's yesterday.  It's hard to pass up on the smile of spring that flowers offer, especially when they're only $3.99.  That pretty white pot - from Ikea I believe - is from a dear friend who let me adopt it before they moved away.


Hello sun-shiney yellow tunic from Boden USA.  How I'd love to wear you and subsequently stop traffic...

I saw this art with the perfect splash of yellow and immediately fell in love with it.  When I look at it, I can feel the sun on my face.  I think it may actually give you a dose of Vitamin D each time you soak it in.

I'm super jealous of Jenny Komenda's recent thrift store find - a pair of these sunny yellow velvet chairs.  Only $50 for the pair, by the way!!  Her full-house remodel is coming along beautifully...she always finds the most perfect ways to interject beautiful color into her spaces.  Check out all her decorating adventures on Little Green Notebook.  It's one of my all-time favorite blogs.

Ok spring, will you please arrive now?  Your warmth is just about required at this point.  (Thanks in advance!)


  1. Oh Churro!!!!!
    I LOVE that art with the yellow. And the tulips rock. Anytime you can bring flowers home is a good day.

  2. Hi Kristen, Love that yellow front door! There is no way your day wouldn't be sunny walking through that! I hope you feel some spring weather soon ... we're heading into Autumn here and although it's not as vibrant as your Fall, I'm still loving yellows and oranges around. So funny - opposite but similar! Jen x

  3. My "'yellow' loving" Kristen ... You are my Sunshine!


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