Nov 14, 2013

The Look for Less: Inspired By Pottery Barn

I love, love, love this Pottery Barn pillow cover for Christmas...

The chalkboard-esque look always does it for me.  What can I say?  I liked school as a kid, I like chalkboard paint, and I like black and white it kinda falls in line.

I decided to let this pillow cover inspire the "artist" in me.  Especially after I picked up this lovely leopard canvas off the side of the road...

Grarrrrrrrr!  Apparently someone didn't like it anymore and had set it out on the curbside as trash.  Can you even believe that??

I doctored it up just a tad by covering it head to toe (or shall I say eye to eye) with my favorite chalkboard paint.

After letting the paint dry and giving it a good chalk dusting, I finished my Christmas masterpiece.

 Quite the difference, huh?  This cat has officially begun a new life...if you know what I mean.

Do you think it looks even a tad like my inspiration??

I do still love that Pottery Barn pillow cover, but this alternative will suffice for now!

1 comment:

  1. Buwhahahahaha. I kinda thought you had lost your mind for a minute there. That gives a whole new meaning to leopard print.
    I'm super excited to come up with something for the new chalkboard door in our kitchen. I've pinned a ton of fun ones, but I'll probably end up going with the easiest. :)


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