Nov 4, 2013

Aspen's Hotel Jerome - Hunker Down and Stay Awhile

Now that Halloween has come and gone, most of us are chopping at the bit to cuddle in and cozy up as we decorate for Thanksgiving and then Christmas.  (True confessions: We've decided to do our Christmas decorating this next weekend so we can enjoy it for as long as possible!)

As we prepare for this joyous holiday season, I wanted to share a space with you that has inspired interiors that truly warm me every time I look at them - Hotel Jerome in Aspen, Colorado.

Let's take a little walking tour of this historic gem with recently updated interiors designed by TAL Studio...shall we?
The Exterior

The Living Room (check out plaid-backed chairs, the navajo rug, and the framed flag!)

A Guest Suite

The Living Room Bar

The Prospect Restaurant

The Lobby

The Pool

Don't the pictures make you feel all warm and cozy?  There's nothing like being surrounded by the mountains and snow at Christmas, and I can only imagine that lodging in a luxury hotel like this would be beyond magical.  

Think they'll ever offer a Groupon to stay here?  Sign me up if they do!!

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