Nov 6, 2013

An Ottoman Adventure...Yes, You Can Spray Paint Vinyl

Remember this guy?

Yes, he's a little dingy looking in all his vinyl glory.  And, I admittedly jumped the gun and paid way too much for him on Craigslist ($25!! What was I thinking?) when I was awestruck and inspired by Jenny Komenda's vinyl chair make-over {here}.  Honestly, that woman does no wrong in the world of decor!  Check out her blog - A Little Green Notebook - sometime and you'll be changed forever.

Now, back to my spray-painting vinyl project...

I hemmed and hawed about what color, and then decided I'd go with white because it would be easy to spray over if I ever repainted it someday.  And, it would fit in color-wise in just about any room in our house.

I learned a couple things on this DIY adventure: 

1) Jenny wasn't lying - you can definitely spray paint over vinyl with spray paint made for plastic finishes.

2) Even if you buy paint with primer in it, you'll need way more paint than you think to really get a good clean finish when painting over a dark object.  (And - true confessions - I'm too cheap to get another can of paint for this project)

3) Finally, don't paint a vinyl object stuffed with styrofoam beads - they show through like cellulite on Rosie O'Donnell's beach body.

Oh and learn!  Not a total bust, but it does make me chuckle when I get close and see the bumpy surface.

I lovingly call this ottoman "Rosie" now.  Bottomline: Not all DIY projects turn out the way you want them to.  Glad I could be honest with you on my DIY fail.  I still aspire to be Jenny...someday.

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