Oct 14, 2013

A Kitchen Aid Mixer from Australia

How's that for a random post name?  And, here it is!

Isn't it the sweetest little painting you've ever seen?  Of course, it has a back story...great things usually do.

So, I happened upon this art while searching the blog-world one day - it was featured a couple years ago on a blog called A Tranquil Townhouse that's sadly no longer active.  The blogger, artist extraordinaire, and photographer behind this little gem is Kerry Martin of Canberra, Australia.   I just had to leave Kerry a comment on the blog post that introduced this painting.  I LOVE yellow, own this very mixer, and always fall for art that immediately makes me smile!

Long story short, I asked Kerry if she would sell the painting to me.

Lesson one, if you love something don't hesitate to inquire about it.  You never know what sort of doors it will open for you!  Kerry kindly replied almost immediately - even on the other side of the world from me - and said she'd love for me to have it.  She asked how much I'd pay for it and I had NO IDEA what to offer.  I didn't want to offend her - I had no experience purchasing original artwork, so I was honest with her and said just that.

Lesson two, be honest.  Kerry replied back again and said the painting was sitting in her garage sale pile and she'd send it to me for the shipping cost alone.  Wow!  I was beyond ecstatic and so touched by her generosity.

A few weeks later, I received a package from Australia with the painting in it.  Giddy with excitement, I emailed Kerry to thank her and ask how I could reimburse her for the shipping.  Guess what??  She said it was a gift and not to worry about reimbursement!  I just wish I could reach out and hug her.

Lesson three, be generous - random acts of kindness can mean a lot to people.  Doesn't that story warm your heart?  It sure made my week!

Kerry is busy pursuing her talents as a photographic artist now.  You must check out her website K.J. Martin - my oh my does she have some amazing photographs.  These are a few of my favorite pieces from her collections:

Aren't they beautiful?  She has an amazing eye for capturing some really awesome moments.

Has anyone done anything extraordinarily nice for you lately?  Thanks again, Kerry, for being a light in my life!

1 comment:

  1. Super fun, and what a sweet, sweet lady. Now aren'tcha glad you asked?! :)


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