Sep 12, 2013

Splurge vs. Save Fashion Edition! Fall Rain Boots

It's almost Fall!  And, with Fall, comes least in Boston.  We've had more rain over the last few days, than we've had in months.  Ugh!  The best (ok...only good) part about rain, you ask?  Cute rain boots, of course!  Here are two very similar options that are almost identical in looks yet far from identical in price.

              splurge  |  save

Which boot do you prefer?  The quintessential preppy Hunter Boot (splurge) or the near-identical Kamik Boot (save)?

I honestly prefer the more affordable Kamik boot's look because of the crest detail and black soles.  That's a win for looks and a win for the pocket!  (I own them, and can vouch that they're great boots...I even shovel snow in them)

1 comment:

  1. Um, Hunter boots are on my, when I hit the big one, someday list. The other ones are cute, and typically I'm not a brand girl even a little bit, but there's just somethin' about those Hunters.


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