Sep 23, 2013

A Global-Inspired Design for a City Space

Hi friends!!  I've been out of pocket the last two weeks doing some work down in Washington D.C.  While I was there a dear family friend asked if I would help her decorate her new apartment, and I not-so-hesitantly said..."YES!"

Here's what we started with - some good furniture bones plus lovely REAL Persian rugs and many accessories from her world-wide travels.  

My friend travels all over for work - she just got back from a 10-country Africa trip - and even lived several years in Afghanistan.  She has travel souvenirs oozing from every nook.

I took her large area rug as my color inspiration, and ran with it!

And, here's what we came up with in the end with a $500 budget...

The Living Room

The Dining Space

The Breakfast Bar

The Kitchen

And, of course, the detail shots...

Isn't this white quartz, gray cabinet, stainless hardware, marble floor combo gorgeous??

I love this vignette atop an enclosed liquor cabinet with the city lights sparkling in the background.  So sexy in the city!

A wall of travel finds to get the conversation started.  My friend has so many amazing stories to tell!

Have an old office chair with ripped seat?  Upholster only the ripped portion!

What's a good design without fabulously luxurious pillows?  Hello velvet and decorative embellishments!

Well, what do you think of our work?  Quite a change in the space, huh?  Tell me what your favorite piece or part of the re-design is.  I'd love to hear your feedback!

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