Aug 26, 2013

Ikea Frame Fix-Up

I couldn't pass up on this 99 cent IKEA frame.  Especially with a tube of gold Rub 'N Buff burning a hole in my craft stash...

After 2 minutes of rubbing and buffing, this bright orange frame turned into a slightly more subtle and on-trend gold leaf-looking frame.

Yes, spray paint would have been easier...but I used what was free (on-hand) and it didn't turn out too shabby.  And, I now have a place to feature my cute little printable that I got last winter from a fundraiser to support the Sandy Hook families. (similar one can be found here)

It serves as a nice reminder to keep things in perspective, let the unimportant things go, and let the little ones be kiddos while they can.

I really like it when the sun shines through the double-sided frame, making the paper look like velum.  It sort of glows!

Anyone else Run 'N Buff anything lately??  Feeling a hankerin' to do something with that little tube of wonder now? Have a happy week!


  1. I love your sweet little perspective grabber! Regarding the challenging and joyful days of parenting, they say "the days may be long but the years are oh so short and fly by ever so fast"! I think that sunshine glow through the paper is God's sweet way of going neon in that most perfect place you've chosen to display your little reminder :) You are such an awesome Mommy, Kristen Leigh! Guess Who?!!? :)

  2. I agree with "anonymous". Great woman, mom, wife and niece. I've never heard of rub n buff. So thanks for the tip. I bought an old shelf and will try this method instead of spray painting.


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