Aug 22, 2013

A Few New Things

Hey friends!  First off, I thought I'd share a few of my new "buttons" with you.  They're over yonder in the right hand margin and would love to be clicked by you (wink!).

I finally got around to sharing the "why" behind Inspired Whims.  The best part of the new About page?  You get to see a really cute pic of my darling girl.  She's so adorable, I really should charge you for getting a peek at so much cuteness.

The Design Services page tells you about the decorating help I offer to my clients.  Pass this link on to anyone you know who needs some design help.  I'm super affordable, and can help anyone anywhere - no matter how far away.  One of my clients was based out of South Korea when I helped her.  Cool, huh?

And then we have the eye-candy Portfolio page.  This takes you to a collection of some of the rooms I've done in our homes and friends' homes.  A little proof that shoestring-budget decorating can totally happen and look great!

Please check these pages out and let me know what you think of them.  I'd love any feedback.  Positive or negative...all feedback is good!

Next, I thought I'd share some recent decorating acquisitions at our house.  They're pretty raw photos - just quick snapshots of a few finds and quick projects (some finished and some still to be done...).

Sometimes I can't resist something that calls my name at IKEA.  This bowl did just that...yellow, retro-looking, unique.  Bottomline, I said "yes, you can come home with me".

I got my fiddle-leaf fig!!  This guy was on sale at our local nursery, and Homegoods had all their pots on super-sale since it's the end of the season.  And, no, I haven't killed him yet - AMAZING!

A cheap eggplant painting (marked as a "plum" on the price tag) that I found at a flea market in downtown Durham, NC.  We were there for a fun family wedding, and this became my kitschy souvenir.  Why?  I don't know.  But, it's an original oil painting...and I simply couldn't pass it up.

Did you honestly think that the above bowl was my only IKEA acquisition?  Come on - I drive like an hour to get there!!  This $10 pillow cover that I've been lusting over for a while also came home with me.  It will go in my guest room.  You'll see it there soon...

This little diamond-in-the-rough was a Craigslist find.  It's called a "hassock" (i.e. a mini-ottoman).  Yes, it's vinyl.  Yes, I'm crazy for buying it.  But, I can promise you that it will be painted soon and hopefully totally transformed out of it's 1960s glory.  This post on Little Green Notebook had me hankering for something vinyl to paint.  Jenny's transformation of a vinyl office chair is nothing short of amazing!  Her post motivated me to buy this, so you can imagine the magic she worked...

Finally, a little peek at some DIY art we've been creating around here.  My little one is totally into painting, and insists that I sit next to her with brush in hand painting my own masterpiece.  Because of this household fad, we have water colored paintings EVERYWHERE!  I popped this one in a frame because I was a little bit impressed with my "herringbone abstract".

Sorry, if this random post hit you like a 2"x4".  If you're still reading, you must be my mom or someone who loves me for some other (crazy?) reason.  Either way, I love you back!


  1. Maybe I'm crazy, but I LOVE the ottoman as is!! Can't wait to see what you do with it and congrats on the find. The new buttons rock too!

  2. Yes, Kristen! Your mom did read all the way through and I do love you and every ounce of your creatively colorful blog. Oh, also adore the little girl that inspires you to slip away into creativity, right by her side or as an occasional escape :)


Your comments are much appreciated. I always love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for reading!