Jul 23, 2013

Breathing New Life into a Dingy File Cabinet

I picked up this old file cabinet from Freecycle (yes, it was free!) and decided I'd use it to store my plethora of craft supplies in my office area.  After it was cleaned up a bit, of course!  Thankfully it was it great shape - very little rust, and just a little dirt.  It was missing a lock, but I'm not too protective of my craft supplies...

(Yes, that's bird poop on the top drawer...just keepin' it real and rustic with y'all)

I decided on a bright green for the paint job, mainly because it's what stood out to me in the spray paint aisle, and I (sadly) have too much yellow going on in my office at the time to justify another yellow object.

After some cleaning, light sanding, dusting, and painting (2 coats).  This is what she looks like now...drumroll, please.

Not bad for looking rather similar to this $200 Bisley two-drawer file cabinet from the Container Store...

Score!  I only bought spray paint - less than $10 for 2 cans.  I'm patting myself on the back right now.

It's also great to know that if I ever tire of the jolly green-ness of the cabinet, I can simply paint it another color with not a single "but this was so expensive..." regret.  What do you think of her?


  1. I love it! Im not a big green fan personally, but this is a lovely kelly green that isnt too bright. I like it with the yellow too!


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