Apr 8, 2013

Guest Bedroom Update

Hey everyone!  Thought I'd share a little update with you on the progress of our guest bedroom design.  It's not finished, but it's come a very long way from where it started.

Here is the BEFORE...

(beautiful, eh?)

And, now a (we're getting there) AFTER...

Here are a few more detail shots to tickle your fancy:

It's come a long way, if you ask me!  Do you like where we're headed??

As far as future additions go, I'd like to add a black and white cowhide rug on the floor at the foot of the bed and craft some sort of upholstered headboard.  What do you think of it?  I'd love your feedback!


  1. Um, I want that ceiling light. Immediately. I like the plant in the silver pot a lot too.
    I dream of decorating a guest bedroom. I suppose I should have stopped popping out babies after the first one for that dream to have come true. :o)

  2. It looks great! I really like how it's not overly feminine. I wish we had an extra bedroom...maybe someday.


Your comments are much appreciated. I always love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for reading!