Mar 8, 2013

Some Kitchen Fun: Blackboard Backsplash

True confessions: when you have a can of blackboard paint sitting in your garage, you sort of want to use it to cover a multitude of surfaces in your home.  Low and behold, I decided to cover our kitchen backsplash in it.  The cute backsplash below was my inspiration...

To be honest, we just had too much white going on in our kitchen - white walls, white appliances, white floors, white (Florescent!) lights.  And, since our house is a rental, my only non-permanent fix was to paint.

Blackboard paint was my ticket to a little depth and intrigue!  A can of blackboard paint is way cheaper than a can of regular paint, the color is a dark smoky gray, and let's face it...who doesn't want the option of being able to draw a fun pattern on the wall?!?

Kinda cool, huh?  Funny thing is, I like the matte-black finish so much I haven't even thought about drawing on it.  I'll save the chalk for another day, when I get bored and want a little design pick-me-up in the kitchen.

Here are a few close-up shots...

And finally, a view through my Benjamin Moore "Million Dollar Red" arch-way.  More on that project {here}.

My neighbor in Portland OR came up with the original blackboard backsplash idea, so I really owe the inspiration to the inspiration to her.  (Thanks, Hanako!)

Have you seen any other blackboard backsplashes?  Makes you want to paint something with blackboard paint, huh?  It's kinda addictive...  Do it!!!


  1. So fun! I have a Home Depot list goin' and I literally wrote black board paint on it yesterday. I can't wait to try it out on something. Love it! And I LOVE your yellow mixer. :o)

  2. Love it! Do you have a chalk design in mind now???


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