Feb 15, 2013

Cupid Struck! Arrows, Arrows Everywhere (in Decor)

Happy day-after Valentine's Day!  Hope your love day was as great as mine was - I got to celebrate with the two sweetest valentines in the world...

I've been "pinning" arrows on my Pinterest page for a while now, so I thought that the day after V-Day was the perfect time to debut some of my favorite arrow decor finds with you all!  What do you think, are arrows a "Do" or a "Don't" in home decor?

I really want a pair of these antique crossed-arrow sconces...

Because I can't get the antique scones above...I'll buy a pair of these and "Rub 'N Buff" them gold:

Finally, here's a pair of arrows in our own home...these ones are special as they were used in one of my husband's Boy Scouts ceremonies as a kid.  He had them hanging in the garage, and I snagged them a couple months ago and hung them inside.  (He still gives me a hard time for it!  He claims that I never would have let him hang them inside...and he's probably right)

Arrows likely won't last forever as a trend in home decor, but for right now I'm still enjoying them!  What do you say...are arrows a "Do" or a "Don't"?  If they're a "Do", how would you decorate with them?


  1. Your valentines are so cute! Hope you guys had a wonderful day!

    I do to a salon called the golden arrows in Portland, they used a lot of arrows in their decor and they are soooo cool!

  2. Hello, I was cleaning out my barn and found an exact pair of those "arrow" sconces you have a picture of. I really need to sell them,
    What do you think they are worth?
    I can send you pics if you would like, just email me MsAceShoer@aol.com.


Your comments are much appreciated. I always love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for reading!