Feb 21, 2013

A Few Mudroom Updates...

I've finished the first round of "mud-rooming"...as I call it.   Living in Boston, the mudroom gets quite a bit of use, especially after the 36" of snowfall we recently had.  And, the craziest thing...the number of shoes collected in the space exponentially grew overnight.  I guess that's because we've suddenly become a shoes-off-in-the-house family.  I now know that snow country will do that do you!

Here is the bland before pic...a nice clean slate:

(I won't bother showing you an in-between stage, because that's just ugly...and cluttered...and crazy.)

Here are the after pics:

See what I mean by lots of shoes??  (Now that I think of it, I kinda like the added color from the shoes.)

Here's a breakdown of where things are from:
Wall Hooks - Trolley Stop Hook ($12) from Anthropologie
Red Bench, Framed Cork Board, Basket, Pillow, Rug, Soap - Homegoods (God bless that place...)
Iron Cross - an old one I've had since high school...
Red Dot Scentsy night light - a gift

What do you think of the changes?  I love that it's finally organized and colorful...the best of both worlds, for me!

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