Jan 1, 2013

Snowflakes in Vermont

Since we had a fabulous trip up to Vermont this last weekend, as a spontaneous post-Christmas adventure, I thought it would be good to share some of the beautiful state with my virtual friends (that's you!).  It is one of the prettiest places I have EVER been too!

We happened to drive up during a huge snow storm, but I'm glad we did because it was beautiful to see all the snow.
Vermont State House - Montpelier, VT

Our first stop was Montpelier, the capital of Vermont.  We grabbed a quick coffee on their quaint main street and then drove by their their small but beautiful state house.  I'd like to go back to Montpelier sometime and spend more time checking out their hometown restaurants and boutiques.  Worth a trip!

Next we ventured on up to Burlington, the largest city in Vermont.  It was small too, but they had lots of good eats.  We had lunch at Three Brothers Pizza, which happened to be attached to a gas station.  It was the best pizza I've had in a loooooooooooooong time.

Pizza Philly Sandwich @ Three Bros. Pizza - Colchester, VT

Our entry for cutest Coke commercial ever.

For dinner we hit up Bluebird BBQ - the best BBQ I've had in a loooooong time.  The ribs were awesome, the sauce was awesome, the mac n' cheese was awesome, the beans were awesome...I could go on (and on).

 Did I mention that there was lots of snow?!?

BBQ Poutine @ Bluebird BBQ - Burlington, VT

Have you ever heard of Poutine?  Since Vermont is so close to Canada, they've adopted some Canadian dishes - Poutine being one of them.  Poutine is essentially french fries, gravy, and cheese curds (hello, yum!) but Bluebird BBQ's version included BBQ sauce, green onions, and pulled pork as well.  It was pretty divine!

The next morning we drove toward Stowe, the quintessential ski town in Vermont.  On our way, we stopped by the Ben & Jerry's Factory in Waterbury to take the factory tour and do a little taste-testing.  Mmmmmm, ice-cream after a snow storm tastes even better!

 You've gotta pose wherever you see a large board with head holes...it's a must.

Ice cream (and larger waist lines) this way!

 We offered our taste-testing skills for free.

Snow Storm + Ice Cream = Perfection

Next, as we approached Stowe, we visited the Cold Hollow Cider Mill in Waterbury.  This place had some phenomenal apple cider and the apple cider donuts worth blogging or writing home about.  They press the cider fresh there....so it's straight out of the bucket.

 Mmmm, hot apple cider @ Cold Hollow Cider Mill - Waterbury, VT

Double Mmmm, apple cider donuts...one's missing

I know, it seems like we went to Vermont for an eating fest, but I promise we burned some calories tromping through the snow once we finally got to Stowe.

My little snow angel in her tu-tu, of course

The largest icicles I've ever seen... 

Red Barn - Stowe, VT

We stayed at a cute little motel called Stowe Motel & Snowdrift - it was smack dab in the middle of town, the rooms were very clean, they had a free breakfast, and the owners were so sweet and accommodating (i.e. gave us a handfull of free king-sized candy bars when we went hunting for a bottle opener).

We ate dinner at The Blue Donkey.  The burgers were fab, which is why I didn't get a chance to take a shot before they were inhaled...  The bumper sticker will suffice, right?

The Blue Donkey - Stowe, VT

On our last day, we stopped by the Von Trapp Family Lodge - a resort owned by the Austrian family whose story inspired The Sound of Music.  I loved the movie as a kid, so I had to pay a visit before we left Stowe.  It was gorgeous, but it's super pricey for accommodations   A self-led (free) tour through the main lodge and a walk through the grounds were enough to check it off my list, at least for now.

Von Trapp Family Lodge - Stowe, VT

Free Parking Lot Walking Tour

Before we headed out of town, we took a drive up to the base of Stowe's ski slopes.  I would have loved to ski, but we'll have to wait another year until the wee one is 3 years-old.  It was impressively grand in terms of being a legit ski destination. (I was expecting weak-sauce hills, being the self-admitted Colorado ski snob that I am.)

Stowe Ski Slopes - Stowe, VT

And, last but not least, guess what I spotted while driving out of Stowe?  That's right, the HGTV Dream Home from 2011.  We drove right past the back of the house as we left the base of the slopes.  I didn't have enough time to snap a picture, but here is what I saw...

via HGTV

All the photos of this beautiful house can be found {here}.  Now that I saw it in person, I really really really wish I had won the HGTV Dream Home giveaway sweepstakes...bummer dude.

Anyone up for a trip to Vermont now?  I'm kinda already wanting to go back.  I hear it's gorgeous in the summer too, so maybe we'll have to make another trip once the snow melts.

1 comment:

  1. How about a Summer trip to Vermont with mom/nonna?!? "Ahh man!" Wish I'd have been the winner of the HGTV dream home too!


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