Jan 11, 2013

Downton Abbey Inspired Design

Oh, Downton Abbey, how I love thee.  Anyone else in love with this TV series?  It's a PBS Masterpiece Classic that airs on Sunday nights.  For those of you not (yet) addicted to it, Downton Abbey is a period mini-series with the most sublime costumes, set design, and casting.

The series takes place in early 20th century England - it covers the first World War and the decade that follows, depicting the post-war experiences of a wealthy aristocratic family struggling to socially modernize with the times. Right now, they're airing the 3rd season but you can catch up on all the 1st and 2nd Season episodes online at Hulu.com.  Well worth a view for anyone who loves history, fashion, design, or just a great storyline.

Now that I've gushed about the show, here is a gorgeous photo of the 3 sisters of the family that the show revolves around:

They're stunning, huh?  When I saw this photo over on Darlene's Fieldstone Hill Designs blog it moved me to hunt for some home design inspiration that matches the beautiful colors and soft details of this photo.  Now that Spring is upon us, "pastel-ed" jewel tones are dominating runways and home design so it wasn't tough to find these lovely spaces.

While not necessarily period appropriate to Downton Abbey, these rooms definitely speak of the color inspiration (coral, lavender, gray, and mint) of the above portrait of the girls, and ooze a certain ambiance of classical styling and very refined taste.

What are you thoughts?  Do you like these colors in interior design?  Any other Downton devotees out there?

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