Oct 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby!

I can't believe my little girl turned 2 yesterday! My how the time has passed...and oh, how I love her more dearly each day.

We were so very blessed to be able to celebrate with my parents (Nonna and Go-Pa), a dear family friend from Baltimore, and our precious neighbors. And, I couldn't help but share a few Instagram pics with you:

 (My fairy princess - the prettiest one I've ever seen...)

 (She woke up to a "few" balloons in the living room)

 (Frosting is WAY better than cake!)

 (Balloon Cupcakes - ribbon, hot glue, baked cupcakes, frosting - easy peasy!)

(Happy Birthday little one who so enjoys avoiding eye-contact with the camera...)

You can see, we hat a little bit of fun...and, an outfit change or four. :)  I've learned that TuTu's are sooo "in" for two-year-olds.  

Happy Birthday Sweet Pea - from your greatest fan in life!

Thanks, to you all, for indulging in my little pride and joy.  Have a joyous weekend!


  1. Awwwww, so stinkin' cute! Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Happy Birthday to your sweet pea!! She is ADORABLE. At balloon cupcake is AMAZING!!


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