Oct 25, 2012

Guess Where We're Going this Weekend?!?

Where are we traveling to this weekend?  Here is your (way too obvious...) hint:

If you passed 1st Grade you probably guessed it already...Washington D.C.!  As much as I wish we were just going there to sight-see, we actually have quite the endeavor ahead.  We're going to explore our nation's capital via a 26.2 mile run called the Marine Corps Marathon.
My husband will be running his 2nd marathon - his 1st was the Chicago Marathon.  I'm so proud of him!  After his 1st, he swore he would never run another...and look where we are today.

I will be running my 4th marathon - 2 Marine Corps Marathons and 1 Chicago Marathon are under my belt.  This time around, I'm the one saying I will never run another!  (The race itself is awesome - It's the training part that's a major time commitment.)

We're praying for healthy bodies, good weather, and strong minds to get through this feat.  It's so much better once you cross the finish line and are looking back on it as a fond memory...I promise!

If anyone is considering a marathon, I recommend the Marine Corps Marathon for 6 reasons: 

1) The course is beautiful - great landmarks, memorials, and monuments to see
2) It's very entertaining with so many cheering crowds - never a dull moment
3) The event is so well organized and supported
4) It's so great to run in a race that pays tribute to our military heroes - past, present, and future
5) The weather is typically beautiful in DC this time of year (the end of October)
6) The course is super flat!

Have any of you run a marathon?  Any one thinking about running a marathon?  Let me know, and I'll try to peer pressure you into it.  Wish us luck and please keep us in your prayers this Sunday, 28 Oct!

1 comment:

  1. How awesome!! Can't wait to hear how it went! I have never, and likely will never be able to run a marathon, but I sure admire those that do!


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