Jun 1, 2012

Ooo La La - Pestana Palace Hotel

My handsome hubby and I have been brainstorming and dreaming as to where we'd like to travel next.  Pre-kiddo we would try to do one global travel trip once a year - which consisted of some international vacation.  We'd save and save and save (because with dual incomes you are more apt to do that)...then we'd plan a trip, really look forward to it, then go and have the time of our lives.  We do that A LOT LESS often now, but we still value travel and try to go as much as finances and babysitters (thanks mom and dad!) will allow.

For our next trip we're thinking either Rio de Janeiro, Brazil or Lisbon, Portugal, but we're just in the introductory "research" stage right now.  While searching for hotels the other night I came across this gem of a hotel called Pestana Palace in Lisbon, Portugal and knew I'd have to share it with you all because it's some amazingly gorgeous eye-candy...oh, and it's actually somewhat affordable at $300/night for 2 people with breakfast included.  Hmmmm, may have to get my daily value of calories at breakfast...  What do you think???  I'm feeling fairy-tale-princessy myself.

The grand (holy-smokes) entrance:

Intimate (casual?) dining space:

Where did they find those amazing yellow velvet chairs????

The dining space for when your fancy pants are on:

I'll take a margarita on the rocks - shaken, not stirred - good Sir!  Hello, light-up yellow bar:

If Cinderella (post encounter with Prince Charming) had a living room, this is what it would look like:

A view like this would make me break out in song, I think:

For those with deep pocket books and/or an immense love for inlaid wood:

And, those who are a bit more thrifty and on a budget (like us!).  Can you believe this is actually affordable?

That carpet is AMAZINGLY SPECTACULAR, and the print combo going on is simply divine!

I think I could design an entire house around this bathtub...I would if it were mine:

That bath even makes red and peach look good together!

Shall we take a dip, dear?  I think Heaven has a pool like this one:

While I doubt they keep this couch out by the pool, my what a pretty thing!

And, just in case you weren't feeling like a Princess or Prince, yet - this will pretty much do you in:

Ok, get the smelling salts and return to reality...it was worth a dream though, right?  Has anyone been to Lisbon?  I'd love to hear what you think of it or if you have any recommendations.  Have a fabulous weekend!

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