Jun 8, 2012

An Inspired Event - Portland Blogger Summer Social

A few night ago I had the best time attending a summer social for local home and design bloggers here in Portland.  It was the perfect girly gathering graciously put together by Kirsten of Restored Style and Jenn of A Home in the Making - amazing food, a multitude of wine offerings, gorgeous linens, a long vintage farmhouse table, candle-light, great gals, and inspired conversation about our common passions - family, friends, design, and blogging (of course).  Does it get any better than that?!?

The amazing menu was created and executed by Jamie Snell of The Lamb's Table.  I wish I had taken more pics of the food - but it got inhaled the second it hit the table.  We even got little menu cards displaying the phenomenal fare:

Let me just say...dessert was divine.  So good, I didn't take a picture until I took a bite (then tried to cover up the bite with the strawberry on the right...)

The delightful evening soiree took place in SE Portland at the coolest store/studio called Seek the Unique - a fabulous vintage-antique-salvage shop headed by the ultra-talented Andrea Jones.  This place is a dream for anyone who appreciates a creative vignette, beautiful re-purposed furniture, or unique home goods.

Check out these amazing creations - many of them refinished or repurposed on-site in the workshop...

 (I'm in love with this hand-tufted wall - a DIY project by Andrea and Co.)

 (Yep, these walls were another custom creation by Andrea and her family)

 (Bad iPhone pic, but I love the colors and fixtures)

 (I want one of these old cabinets to help sort my mail and keep my organized)

(Pendant made of twigs and hung from a twine-wrapped cord...so lovely)

A few other vintage finds that totally caught my eye - old, rustic, natural, patina-ed yet refined treasures:

 (frame, rug, sofa, chairs...I wanted everything in this picture)

 (vintage typewriters...oh how I'd love to score one of these)

 (my take-home souvenir...the coolest and most regal little crest)

(antlers, rackets, and wicker...the makings for a dream porch-scape)

(some hip dog art by a local artist)

As you can see, it was pure eye-candy of the most elegant sort.  If you're ever in Portland, you'll have to pay Andrea a visit.

Last but not least, here is a list of the other delightful home/design blogs that were represented at the social:

I had a wonderful time meeting such a great group of ladies and only wish I had events like this to attend more often. Kirsten and Jenn, thank you so much for all your efforts in putting together such a lovely evening for all of us!


  1. Love your photos!! Did you seriously get that crest? Such a cool reminder of the evening. Great event and so fun to meet so many talented ladies.

    Thanks for sharing! ~Danielle

  2. Wonderful pictures! I was amazed by the entire evening. And what the perfect space to host the event. Divine. Oh, and that dessert. Divine doesn't even begin to describe it, right!? :)

    oh, and thank you so much for listing all the links to the ladies!

  3. It was so nice to meet you Kristen! Best of luck with your move!

  4. Awesome! And I'm so glad you listed all the blog links. I'm off to check everyone out!

  5. What a great recap of the evening! Thanks so much for coming -- it was fun to chat with you over dinner :)


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