May 11, 2012

Glamorous Uptown Office Inspiration Board

Happy (almost) weekend!  I was watching one of my favorite shows - Selling New York - the other night and thought to myself, "If I lived in Manhattan, what would my office space look like?".  It would be modern, glamorous, richly textured, and definitely make a statement!  While that's not at all my decorating style out here in the 'burbs of Portland OR, a girl can dream, right?  I found this fantastic mid-century mod gold sunburst clock to serve as my inspiration and then designed a quintessential "Uptown Office" around it.

All sources for the "Uptown Office" inspiration board can be found below...

Doesn't this just make you want to move to a high-rise in the city?  I admit, I'm a bit of a city-girl at heart after living in downtown Baltimore for a few years.

If you are inspired by a decorating item or someone else's space and want to see how you can decorate your own room around it, I'd love to make an inspiration board for you!  You can view this design service and others {here}.  Have a wonderful weekend!

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