Mar 14, 2012

How to Hide a Thermostat - Frame it!

I saw this picture on Pinterest (originally from All Things Homie blog) the other day, and thought, "Hey, that's a great idea!"  What a fab way to hide a thermostat...or at least make it somewhat pretty.

Thermostats are always placed in the most visible places - an entry, the middle of a hallway, a kitchen - and are such an eye sore.  Why can't builders put them in a hall closet, or pantry, or anywhere but a main area??? There probably is a good reason, but I haven't found one yet....

Our thermostat is in the middle of our kitchen wall, and I had tried to mask it as much as possible when we moved in by hanging a small grouping of framed photographs/prints around it.

I was somewhat satisfied...until I saw the cute framed thermostat idea above.  So, I looked around the house and found a spare frame for my thermostat.

Make sure to find a frame large enough to allow you space to adjust your thermostat.  Strip the frame of any loose hardware/pieces - including any backing, glass, etc.  Then simply hammer a picture nail or two in the wall right above your thermostat, and hang your frame.  Voila - a (more) hidden thermostat!

Keep reading for a few other well-hidden thermostats that I found online.  Have a little "Where's Waldo" thermostat-finding-fun!

Come on, jump on the band-wagon and join the Thermostat Hiding Club - you know you want to!  -Kristen

1 comment:

  1. I read my husband, "Why can't builders put them in a hall closet, or pantry, or anywhere but a main area??? There probably is a good reason, but I haven't found one yet..." And said, "Yeah, why can't they?!" And then he pointed out that they need to be in a main area in order to give an accurate temperature reading. "Oh...right" was all I had to say.

    Anyway, I love the gallery of hidden thermostats you provided! I pinned this page and hiding my thermostat is my next project!


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