Feb 26, 2012

Please Vote for Inspired Whims!

Every year Apartment Therapy hosts a friendly competition that allows people to vote for their favorite new design or cooking blogs in six different categories.  This year Inspired Whims has been nominated for Best Home Design Blog!  Yay!!!  So, if you wouldn't mind, please go {here} to vote for Inspired Whims before midnight EST this Friday, March 2nd....lets see if we can rise to (or at least toward...) the top.

After this first round of voting, the top 6 nominees in each category will go on to a subsequent vote-off that will run March 3rd - March 9th.  More on that later, if we rise to the occasion!  I truly appreciate your support and encouragement on this blogging journey - yesterday, today, and every day.

(Please note:  You'll have to create an account with Apartment Therapy to sign in and vote.  I did this myself and it was very easy to do...just a single step and then you can vote.  And no, you will not get auto emails from them unless you choose to do so!)


  1. Okay...I voted for you! It was simple to set up an account. Good Luck! ~Sharon


Your comments are much appreciated. I always love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for reading!