Jan 11, 2012

Notecard Give-Away! Winner Announced...

Congratulations, Molly!  You're our notecard give-away winner.  You'll be receiving your beautiful notecards in the mail very soon.

Thanks to all my readers for entering the contest.

After writing my last post, I Heart Modern Art, I went on the hunt for some inexpensive prints I could use as art and came upon the coolest notecards at Marshall's.  Notecards are great for framing because they're usually 5x7, 4x6, or 3x5 size...just like frames.  I needed to write some thank-you notes so I justified buying a few boxes of notecards, proclaiming them dual-purpose finds -  both thank-you cards and art!

I thought I'd do another give-away for my readers, too, since I have piles of cute notecards on hand now.  Enough with the words, here are a few of the fun "artsy" cards!  (Give-away entry details at the bottom of the post, so keep reading...)

The cards on the outer edges are by the very popular Katie Daisy, who does beautiful illustrations, patterns, and lettering.  I see her stuff on other blogs and Pinterest all the time and always love it!  Here are a few of her prints that I adore (from her website):

(this one is included in the give-away notecards!)

The floral print cards in the display (top photo) are by Jenny Frean, the founder, designer, and creative director of First Eleven Studio art collective.  Jenny Frean mixes computer graphic design with traditional textile design methods to create the most gorgeously graphic and colorful prints.  The boxed set of cards I found are from an older collection of hers called Bouquet (see below).

I found these two new Jenny Frean prints on her website.  She's so creative and talented!

Finally, the small middle card in the display picture above was from a (sadly) no-named artist who created a lovely zig-zag design that reminded me of a gorgeous Missoni print.  I decided to frame this card in a fun green frame also scored at Marshall's (how I love that store...) and place it front and center on my mantel.

Now, for the Give-Away details!!!  I'll send one lucky reader one of each of the cards I found - that's 11 notecards/envelopes total - including 5 Katie Daisy designs, 5 Jenny Frean designs, and the Missoni-like zig-zag design.

There are two different ways to enter the give-away (you can enter both ways for two chances at winning!):
1) "Like" Inspired Whims on Facebook.  You can easily do this by clicking the "like" button under the "Like on Facebook" section in the top right-hand column of this page.
2) Share with your friends!  Link this blog post to Facebook or Twitter using the share buttons below, then comment below telling me where you chose to link it.

Names will be drawn at random.  The give-away entry period lasts until 10:00pm EST on January 15th (this Sunday night), so make sure to submit your entry (or entries) in time.  I will announce the winner on January 16th (Monday) so make sure to check back on this post and see if you won!

I'd love to hear how you'd use or display these prints if you're the lucky winner, so please leave a comment below.  Best of luck!  -Kristen

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas! I've done that in the past with some postcards of Monet. Great idea! Your thank you cards are equally frame worthy.


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