Nov 10, 2011

Thanksgiving Printable

I found a great FREE Thanksgiving printable that I wanted to share with you all.  It was created last year by Jessica of the Craftily Ever After blog, and when I saw it a few months ago I stowed it away to pull out when it was seasonally appropriate.  I'm so glad I did!

The best way to download this image is to go to Jessica's site, here.  Follow her quick and easy instructions, and there you have it!  I printed it out as an 8x10 print at FedEx Office so I wouldn't use all of our printer ink...sometimes I'm a smart cookie about things like that.  The print turned out more brown than it appeared on my computer screen, but it still looked great.

I decided to place it in a frame I had on hand, attach some ribbon to the back of the frame, then hang it from a 3M hook on the inside of our front door, which is right next to our dining room.

It serves as a simple reminder to be grateful for the many blessings in our lives, during this holiday season and every day of the year.  Thanksgiving is creeping its way up to the top spot in my favorite holidays list, because of what it stands for.  It's a holiday about families gathering to celebrate God's faithfulness and blessings - it doesn't get any better than that!

The design of the above print was inspired by the "Keep Calm And Carry On" print which was created as a propaganda poster in England during WWII.  We've seen a lot of these lately in decor:

  pic from Keep Calm London

I think they're lots of fun - graphic and bold - and they still have a good message for today.  More on the history of these posters can be found at the Keep Calm London website.  Very interesting read...I just love history!

A few other ideas for your printable...frame it and hang it solo on a wall or in a photo/picture gallery, cut it out and decoupage it to a tray that you can serve on, or print it smaller on the front of Thanksgiving dinner invitations.  Oh, the possibilities.  Enjoy!  -Kristen

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