Oct 12, 2011

Retro Light Fixture Re-Do

Our Craig's List find #2 - a hanging light fixture from an old hotel - was only $5.  I think it's from the 1960's or 1970's based on the retro design and layers of dust on it.  The hotel was going through a major (and apparently much-needed) remodel, so we bought 3 of these in hopes of fixing one up for ourselves and then selling the other two.  So far, we've only refurbished one of them but our dear neighbor has already signed up for one of the remaining two because it's so unique and cool looking.

Before - dingy, dusty, and uber dated:

Following a good dusting, some glossy red paint, a new globe, and new wiring...it looks quite fantastic.

After - stylish, retro cool, begging to be hung as the focal point of an entry or dining room:

I think it would also look great in a bedroom.  Maybe painted a soft yellow to mellow out a master or bright pink for my baby girl...  Let me know what you think! -Kristen


  1. Amazing what a little paint can do, isn't it? ~Pepper

  2. That's GORGEOUS !! I need one for my Italian kitchen !


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