Oct 20, 2011

Great Toddler Toys

I love this new toy brand - B. Toys.  These high quality toys really engage toddlers and make learning fun.  The company supports a great organization called Free the Children with a portion of its profit from each toy sold.  Free the Children's mission is "to free children from poverty and exploitation and free young people from the notion that they are powerless to effect positive change"...sounds pretty good to me.  The organization has built over 650 schools all over the world, educating kids and providing them a way out of poverty.

My first introduction to the brand was when our old friends sent the coolest solid wood play cube (you know, like the ones they have at doctors' offices) as a baby gift for our daughter.

The Zany Zoo cube ($60 at Target) is so colorful and well-made.  I love the design of it too - you could decorate a nursery around it!  Our daughter loves to play with all the different sides.  It's also a great learning tool with the alphabet and a variety of animals on it.

My sister and brother-in-law gave our little one this Parum Pum Pum drum ($22 at Target) for her first birthday.  It's a fun variety of (non-too-loud) musical instruments that toddlers love to groove to - drums, tambourine, maraca, shakers, and bells.

The Sugar Chute ($15 at Target) is a fun cause and effect game.  Place the colorful balls in the top and turn the key for them to roll down and out the door.  I love that it looks like a gumball machine!

Elemenosqueeze Blocks ($16 at Target) are great for teething, building with, or playing in the tub. These blocks are soft and have the letters of the alphabet on them.  Safe for babies 6 months and up!

Toys can be purchased online at Target.com or at most Target stores and several independent toy stores all over the U.S.  Most of the toys are made for kids between 1-3 years.  My daughter loves these toys, so she gives two little thumbs up! -Kristen

(in no way am I reimbursed for presenting the items I promote or review - these are simply things my family has found and loves or would at least like to put on their Christmas list...)


  1. I am truly impressed with the design of toys. For more information regarding Toddler Toys, kindly visit Tolotoys.com

  2. B.Toys is really a good brand of toy. They never fail to make new toy ideas, fun and entertaining one. They are also colorful that attracts children attention.


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