Oct 17, 2011

Framed Vintage Cards

Framing vintage cards is a really simple craft idea that can serve as interesting decor.  It's also a project that makes an inexpensive but very personalized gift.

I made the above grouping of cards for about $15 out of the following materials from a local craft store:
1. Few sheets of scrap book paper, construction paper, butcher block paper...to use as the background (I used 2 elongated sheets of scrap book paper)
2. Frame that fits selected cards - an old frame you have lying around would make the project even cheaper!
3. Padded double-side tape (I used Scotch-tape brand)
4. Pack of cards - these vintage-looking alphabet flash cards were on sale for 99 cents

You can use vintage playing cards, Old Maid cards, or any other small cards you can think of. These cards can be found for cheap at a thrift store, garage sale, Craig's List, or Ebay.

(for a simple color statement, use the back sides of old playing cards)

(these old playing cards would look cool in a kid's playroom or an adult office/study - picture from Country Living)

(here is a framed version of Old Maid cards from Relique)

1. Set your cards out on the frame so you get an idea of how you want to space them, then set them aside
2. Cut your background paper to fit the frame
3. Cut your padded tape into small squares, then remove adhesive and stick the cards to the paper - spacing them out as you like
4. Place in frame, hang, and enjoy!

Here is a picture of my project in our baby's room.

Be creative and let me know if you have any good ideas for cards... -Kristen

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