Oct 26, 2011

Felt Owl Craft

By now you know that I'm all about quick and simple crafts.  I love crafting, but I want to be able to do it in a few hours.  From the get-go I need a disclaimer on this one: You name it, anything with a thread and needle scares me because I don't trust that it will turn out looking right.  I always say that I wish I could sew, but the thought of purchasing and using a sewing machine is just so daunting to me.  Thankfully, there are some great craft kits out there that don't require you to have a sewing machine...and you come away with some pretty-darn-cute looking results - like the felt owls below!

I was very (shocked!) happy with the way these two owls turned out.  Granted, I used an American Girls brand owl craft kit designed for girls between the ages of 8 and 12.  But that's OK - only you and I know that!  The kit costs less than $15 and it comes with the pre-cut felt, colorful embroidery thread, needles, sequins, step-by-step instructions...every thing you need to make 2 adorable owls.  I purchased the kit at Michael's, but you can find it online at amazon.com too.

pic from amazon.com

Two years ago when I found out I was pregnant with a baby girl, I knew I'd have to incorporate an owl (or two) into her nursery.  Don't worry, I have a rule of only 1 owl per room, at least everywhere else in the house.  As I nested (which means "crafted" for me), I came across this kit and made them with my cousin several months before she was born.  They ended up being perfect for her nursery.  What do you think?

Looks, exactly like the owls on the box, huh?  Moral of the story, there is some great "help" out there for those of us who don't feel confident doing certain craft projects.  And, it's OK to humble yourself and look in the kid section at your local craft store - you might just find the perfect kit to help you create something everyone asks about!  -Kristen

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