Sep 22, 2011

There's nothing a little spray paint won't fix...

If you're like me, your style changes a bit over time or sometimes you just get bored with a certain decorating item so you want to revive it a bit.  Spray paint has become my go-to fix for many items that I need to freshen up to fit my new tastes.  For example, I bought this (rather large) metal rooster over 6 years ago and he's been with me through 5 moves and has found his place in every kitchen until now.  He's been banished to the living room and he's looking a little too shabby chic for me lately...

I decided to grab some left over glossy candy apple red spray paint in the garage and give him a little pick me up.  Here he is now:

He's a little more graphic and bold with his new paint job, which we need with builder-blah beige walls in a rental house.

At this point, I was on a roll so I decided to revive our iron Eiffel Tower on the hutch in our dining room.  Here it is before - a little bland and boring:

And now, it livens up the space as more of a focal point with it's turquoise teal face-lift:

It also brings out the colors in our painting purchased during an amazing trip to Athens, Greece.  I think red and turquoise is a new favorite color combination of mine...

Sooooo, if you're a little bored with your decor just search around the garage for some spray paint inspiration and find something in your home that could use a little pick-me-up.  Best news is, it doesn't cost a dime and you can always repaint it... -Kristen


  1. Love your blog! I LOVE spray paint! I'll paint anything I can! Jeanie in NC

  2. @Anonymous
    Jeanie, thanks for leaving a comment! I'm so glad you enjoy the blog. I love having readers like you who adore spray paint as much as I do. :0)


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