Sep 20, 2011

Framed Photo Letter Montage

I've seen photo letters, or pictures taken of everyday objects that resemble alphabet letters, all over the place - in gift shops, decorating stores, online, you name it.  When you buy them from stores, it can be quite pricey to put a framed word together, especially if you have a long word you want to spell out.

We decided to do our own photo letter montage of our last name - Hobbs - with pictures from different places we were planning to travel to.  You must plan to do this in advance because you have to keep your eyes open for "letter opportunities" wherever you go.

Our "H" is from a window pane in Annapolis, Maryland, our "O" is the London Eye along the Thames River in London, England, both our "B"s are the tops of arched windows in Athens, Greece, and the "S" is from a scrolled architectural impediment on a wall in London.

When we got back from our travels, we printed the best letter photos we shot and placed them in an inexpensive 5-slot IKEA frame.  You can also buy individual frames and line them up if you can't find a frame that fits all your letters.

We find that we've continued looking for letters so we can complete the alphabet for future uses.  Half the fun is in finding the letters together - in architecture, old signs, hardware, nature, etc.  If you need some ideas for inspiration, you can check out this online retailer: Alphabet Photography.  These make great personalized gifts for weddings, baby showers, birthdays, and holidays.  They look great in color, black-and-white, or sepia tone. Your options are limitless! -Kristen

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